
Comment Flasher Un Qr Code Iphone

Top 10 myths near QR codes

Those trivial black-and-white squares are taking over! Every newspaper drips with them, they can exist seen in art galleries and shaved into footballer'due south heads. Plainly someone thinks they're a good thought - yet lots of people seem to go very irate at their very mention.

Hither'south my quick guide to the acme ten myths about QR codes.

i. QR codes can only contain a web address

It's true that the most pop use of QR codes is for URLs, but in fact they can contain any type of text. This means that y'all tin apply them to send emails, text messages, bespeak out geographic locations, log in to WiFi, or even make a phone call.

2. No one is scanning QR codes

It's a popular meme that QR codes are made by over enthusiastic marketing departments despite no ane scanning them. Public statistics tin can be hard to observe, but TfL's QR codes in London are scanned by around ten,000 people per month. The QRpedia enabled exhibits in the Miro museum were scanned over 12,000 times.

3. Visual recognition will make QR codes obsolete

Wouldn't it be corking to point your telephone at a affiche and have it slurp the information off? Well, yep, but it's highly expensive and really impractical. It requires lots of centralised infrastructure and high computing power. There'southward also the tricky effect of homographic disambiguation - computers discover it actually tricky to tell the difference betwixt 1!Il| or even 0 and O.

4. NFC kicks the arse of QR codes

Ahhh, NFC. The "cold fusion" of the mobile earth. Similar cold fusion it will revolutionise the manufacture and it's merely a few years abroad! Sadly NFC has been a few years away for the last decade! There are virtually no NFC handsets on the market and the tags are expensive. Almost every cameraphone can take a free QR scanner and the codes are cheap to generate and print.

v. It's piece of cake to impairment a QR lawmaking

You know how you lot tin scratch CDs and they will still play? They comprise mistake-correction which ways that minor defects tin can easily exist ignored. QR codes incorporate the aforementioned technology - meaning up to thirty% of a code tin can be damaged or obscured and the code will still exist scannable.

6. QR codes await slow

In that location's no demand for QR codes to await irksome. Y'all tin can combine a variety of colours and logos into a QR code - merely then long as you remember not to obscure the three corner squares.

Take a wait at these examples:

From left to right: France's QR branding at Mobile World Congress; Sky; Red Hot Chilli Peppers

From left to right: France's QR branding at Mobile Earth Congress; Sky; Cherry-red Hot Chilli Peppers

7. QR codes can be inverted

No. No they can't. Don't even try this. Some QR scanners will attempt to invert the prototype, but the bulk merely won't exist able to cope.

(opens in new tab)

8. You lot need mobile / WiFi betoken to utilise QR codes

With the advent of WiFi in the London Underground, this complaint has started to dry up. Nevertheless, nearly every unmarried QR scanner volition store the results of a scan so you can access it once you're dorsum in coverage.

nine. It'southward really complicated to generate QR codes

At that place are a tonne of free and easy to use QR generators:

  • ZXing
  • QR Stuff
  • QR Generator PHP (on GitHub)

10. QR codes are easy to use

Mayhap the most contentious one. Considering it's so like shooting fish in a barrel to generate QR codes there is a tendency for people to put them to really bad use. QR codes on billboards likewise loftier for anyone to scan, codes on motorways when cars are travelling besides fast to scan, codes which lead to non-mobile websites, codes hidden behind other objects - the listing is almost endless.


QR codes are on an unstoppable rise - they are being used past businesses both big and pocket-size, they're used by activists and individuals, they're on billboards and badges.

They're free to use, and customers seem to have taken a shine to them. QR scanners now regularly characteristic among the top downloaded apps from app stores.

So, I say that it's time to encompass QR codes in all their blocky glory. Jump aboard the QR revolution and outset scanning!

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