
Mortal Kombat 11 Vs Tekken 7

Avatar image for edamame

Tekken seven 39%

Mortal Kombat 11 61%

Which of these two fighting games do you prefer? Feel free to post your thoughts beneath.


Avatar image for sar_annihilator

MK xi. I stopped playing Tekken after the quaternary installment.

Avatar image for gilbertshiesty

I enjoy tekken more than but mk11 is the better game imo

Avatar image for joshtaku

I grew upward playing Tekken. I personally prefer the characters of Tekken and enjoy their stories more.

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

Gameplay Tekken>>>>>>

The more than complete package MK11>>>>>

Tekken seven is a rare breed, because content wise information technology's barebones merely the quality of the gameplay is top tier.

Avatar image for sar_annihilator

@sar_annihilator said:

MK 11. I stopped playing Tekken afterwards the 4th installment.

So practise you think that they will exist releasing the 3rd Kombat Pack around E3 2021 or thereabouts? I would love to run across Ermac, Smoke, Reptile, Cyrax, Sektor, Tanya, Sareena, Reiko, Havik, etc. I realize that this is a lot to enquire for, but I still would love to see these characters. I don't think that they should include Quan Chi and Shinnok, though.

Unfortunately, probably not.

https://world wide

This was the almost recent video on the update. But we shall see.

Avatar image for deactivated-60e9d095c91dd

I just played takken three lol

MK11 is improve IMO

Avatar image for king_saturn

I liked Mortal Kombat 11 a lot more than Tekken 7. Tekken 7 is a good game only I have been a fan of Mortal Kombat for ages.

Avatar image for mikethekiller

Tekken 7 landslide.

Avatar image for hydratedfubuki6

MK11, far fluid mechanics, more balanced and better graphics.

Avatar image for orangevegeta

Tekken seven any 24-hour interval. MK11 is probably the near barebones of the Netherrealm releases. Questionable animations, balance issues, horrendous competitive way, and a very poorly written story manner brings the entire experience down a lot of notches for me. The only affair I enjoyed with MK xi is some aspects of the gameplay and the invitee characters. Also I discover it embarrassing that Namco can produce stuff for Tekken for 7 years straight whereas with MK11 Netherrealm couldn't even muster two.

Avatar image for aanmnp

Tekken all solar day

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Avatar image for ready_4_madness

@orangevegeta: Tekken also has rest issues and the net code is piss poor. In terms of animation MK11 is by far the best NRS game in that department, the story was an comeback from the concluding one.

Avatar image for greythejiren

Tekken stomps.

Far better in every single way.

Avatar image for rawsos

grew up with tekken but it isnt good

loading times are a elevate and fights are so short

Avatar image for theinsufferable

Mortal Kombat. Always.

Avatar image for infantfinite128

grew upward with tekken merely it isnt good

loading times are a drag and fights are then short

What about the fighting mechanics though?

That's where I think it shines, and it's why Tekken 7 is 1 of my all time favorite games.

I haven't played a game with more fun fighting mechanics than Tekken, but I've heard Virtua Fighter is practiced.

I tried Virtua Fighter 5 and information technology didn't click with me though.

Avatar image for orangevegeta

@ready_4_madness: The balancing for Tekken hasn't been fifty-fifty vaguely every bit bad as MK11. Remember how an entire tournament was won by a non competitive role player who spammed Sheeva stomp? I can't remember that with Tekken. And and so there's the questionable mechanics which make the residuum even worse.

The best animation in NRS history? Certain, when it'due south not in gameplay. As well giving it that praise is meaningless when you lot remember how embarrassing some of the Injustice 2 animations were. I'd recommend SugarPunch Design Works video on the subject. He covers a myriad of issues with the animation of the latest NRS games with great detail.

Maxim MK11 had a better story than MK X is likewise an empty compliment. That's similar saying The Room is amend than Troll 2. That existence said, I actually disagree with you on this one. While MK X didn't accept a neat story, it didn't butcher whatever characters and bargain with nonsensical time travel. MK 11 had a horrible main villain (Kronika), a highly questionable plot, multiple plot holes, a multifariousness of bad earth building choices, and admittedly ridiculous ability levels to a lightheaded extent (Kitana beating Shao Khan anyone?). That'due south not to mention how they forgot all nearly Kung Jin and Takeeda (Despite being large players in the last game), destroyed Scorpion's whole story arc via D'Vorah, and ruined Sindel entirely. We also have to keep with the fact that every activeness made by the characters throughout MK9, X, and 11 were completely pointless considering they were all retconned.

And before anyone attempts to telephone call me a Tekken fan boy, the just Tekken game I've played is 7. I've been playing Mortal Kombat games since I was a child playing Deception and Armageddon. MK xi is just so disappointing to me. It'southward quite maybe the nigh disappointing fighting game I've played other than MVC Infinite and Playstation All Stars.

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

@orangevegeta: NRS games have notoriously bad animation, I know this. But I didn't say the animation was peachy, it's just better than what they have done in the past.

MK new trilogy never had good power levels. Sonya beating Jade and Kitana by herself, Cassie beating Shinnok considering of green stuff. Kronika was bad but and so was Shinnok. Shang Tsung in Backwash> Sindel and Shao Kahn in Aftermath>

Takeda and Kung Jin wasn't needed in MK11 story. How was Scorpion story ruined? Sindel was more than entertaining than always. Retcon or no retcon MK11 and Aftermath is far more entertaining than MkX story, MK9 is still their best piece of work in that section.

I don't even care if you're a Tekken fanboy because I prefer it too. But mayhap your zipper to MK is why you hate eleven so much. Equally someone who just started MK from MKvsDC, MK11 is by far the best MK I've played.

Avatar image for orangevegeta

@ready_4_madness: I guess it's better? Merely fighting games literally accept their gameplay centered around animations, and when the animations are bad, that'southward a problem.

Maxim that they never had expert power levels is no excuse. They could've at to the lowest degree tried to be more than consequent. Kitana chirapsia Shao Khan rips a massive plot hole in most of Mortal Kombat. Likewise I never said Shinnok was good, just that Kronika was exceptionally bad. Her motives were impaired and her plan was even dumber. The adult female literally controls the menstruation of time, withal for some reason doesn't just go back to when Shinnok wasn't decapitated to solve her problem.

Takeda and Kung Jin were large heroes aslope Cassie and Jacqui. Nosotros should've at least heard something near them. They were literally in that location when they beat Shinnok in the previous installment. As for Scorpion, he spent two games reconciling with Sub Zilch, his oldest enemy, just to die at the easily of D'Vorah. All that progress was completely lost to one of the lamer characters. Sindel was literally watered downward into generic evil woman #108. She initially had at least a little depth to her, now she was just always evil. 4thsnake covers this better than I tin can however. I detect it very hard to exist entertained with a story riddled with holes, that ruins several characters, forgets others, and massively dumpsters the world building with retcons. Over again, MK Ten wasn't great, but at least information technology didn't practise whatsoever of those.

Although honestly if you started with MKvsDC of all things, no wonder you'd consider MK11 the best yous've played. Literally anything is up from there.

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

@orangevegeta: then y'all similar MK from immature but acknowledge that the animation has always been bad. If that's the norm for MK games, why complain almost MK11 then?

Raiden cutting off Shinnok'southward head wasn't her consequence.

Hearing nearly Takeda and Kung Jin doesn't do annihilation for the plot. We hear nearly them in character intros and that's good enough. Scorpion and Sub-Nothing story had closure so Hanzo getting killed isn't that big of a deal. D'vorah is a bang-up villain, she gets shit done.

Sindel is leaps and bounds meliorate now imo, the acting is much better then that does a lot for me. Her motives are generic but she'south a scene stealer now. MKX defended an entire game to characters I don't care for then I'one thousand not a fan of information technology. I'yard non a fan of that game every bit whole and then I'll just leave it as that.

The one-time games are outdated, the new trilogy is way better.

Avatar image for orangevegeta

@ready_4_madness: I will never understand this logic of "old thing did information technology bad as well! You should be ok when new matter is bad!". No. That doesn't assist the new thing's case whatsoever. If anything that makes the new thing worse considering they had a run a risk to better. It's frankly bizarre how they accept the funds to non only cast Rhonda Rousey equally Sonya, and accept the ability to accept Sonya look existent as well, simply when it comes to bodily gameplay animation, they fall incredibly short. Besides that, we're comparing MK11 to Tekken 7, not older Mortal Kombat titles. The norm beingness mediocrity isn't good. Why stick with a bad condition quo?

While not her only motivation, Kronika was definitely mad about Shinnoks expiry, given that she's ya know, his mother. Really shinnok'south death is just part of the greater problem. Kronika could literally undo everything Raiden did, given she controls time, but picks a much more nonsensically convoluted route for "reasons". In reality, she pretty much only exists for NRS to bring back former characters for the sake of nostalgia. Which is practically ludicrous when you retrieve that we saw all the MK 1 and two characters dorsum in MK ix.

Allow me repeat this. Kung Jin and Takeda were big heroes. They are quite literally on the main roster of heroes. They aren't merely side characters. Kung Jin and Takeda not being involved with stopping a world catastrophe result is like if Beast Boy and Cyborg decided to not testify up to help the Teen Titans fight. An intro does not sufficiently cover them not being in the story, particularly given their connections with the other characters.

Regardless of what y'all think of D'Vorah, we could've really had fourth dimension for Sub Naught and Scorpion to movement on from their rivalry. We've only actually had them work together for 2 games. At present we won't get to see how that relationship could evolve. And bluntly, if anyone deserved to kill Scorpion, it's Noob Saibot. That would've made much more sense given their history together.

So Sindel is all flash no substance. Bang-up. Happy that'south what she'due south been boiled down to. Also I only actually like MK X from a gameplay perspective (although even that'due south flawed). Only once again, MK X didn't waste time with any of the problems I already mentioned.

Maxim a ready of games from the present twenty-four hours function better than older games is a very obvious statement. Simply that doesn't mean new games are always improve in every attribute. Mortal Kombat Armageddon for case, completely dumpsters MK 11 in terms of content, with a create a graphic symbol system, a multitude of mini games, an innovative hack and slash like campaign, customizable character movesets, and the biggest roster of arguably whatsoever Mortal Kombat game.

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

@orangevegeta: let's just exit it as that cba to debate MK tbh

Avatar image for colossalsam22

MK11 for me.

Avatar image for pisswaterball

Tekken 7 is unbelievably clear.

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Mortal Kombat


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